
Your Privacy

Privacy matters - that's why all apps should make it clear what data, if any, are collected about you and what use is made of that data

Our Privacy Policy

The KYTones app does not require you to share any of your private information with us. Indeed, you don't need to create a login or otherwise sign up to use the app. We do not collect any of the data that we get you to create by using the app. For example, when you complete challenges, this information about your progress is stored on your iPhone but is not obtainable by us

Payment information and data is handled by Apple via their App Store, and we do not have (nor would we ever want) access to it

The only information available to us is general and anonymous analytics information that you agree to make available through your use of the App Store. For example, we will be able to see where the app is selling, if it is crashing etc. This data is collected by Apple, and we only see general and anonymous data

If you contact us to leave feedback, for example, we will not make this publicly available without your explicit permission. If you leave public feedback on the App Store or elsewhere, you are responsible for the content of what you write and whether or not it contains any personal details

If you do contact us, we will have your contact details and any information you choose to pass on to us, but we will not pass it on further, nor will we use it to provide you with marketing information without your explicit consent